上周答应圈友,分享一些如何人工润色 AI 生成内容相关的信息。但是这个话题真的很大,以我的能力,绝非三言两语能说明白的。索性将这块主题拆开,慢慢输出。
目前我的想法是,将这个话题拆分为四部分,分别是:匹配搜索意图、搜集本土化素材、ChatGPT 素材生成,文章素材整合。其中,“ChatGPT 生成素材”这个部分内容,已经在星球整理出了完整的 Prompt 流程,这里便不重复了。
都知道,不同的搜索词代表不同的用户意图。比如,用户搜索“How ...”,可能就表示他想找一份保姆级的指南来解决某个具体问题,搜索“What...”可能就表示他想寻找某个问题的答案,等等。
第一类内容类型:How To Guide.
搜索意图:The user is searching for step-by-step instructions to get a result or outcome.
Title: Include how to, target keyword, number of steps, and a result or outcome.
Introduction: Invite the reader to learn about the target keyword and the benefits or outcomes by following the instructions in this article.
The introduction should include three elements:
- Learn –> “how to” –> keyword
- get a specific benefit
- from these number of step-by-step instructions
- What is the target keyword?
- Step 1 (followed by instructions)
- Step 2 (followed by instructions)
- Step 3 (followed by instructions)
Conclusion and Call-to-Action:
Remind the reader of the outcome or result achieved by following these steps and include a call to action.
第二类内容类型:What Is Article.
搜索意图:The user seeks an answer to a question.
Title: Include “what is” and the target keyword in your title.
Introduction: Define the target keyword, how it is used, and ways to get started.
- What is keyword
- Why keyword is important
- Examples
- Tips or reminders
Conclusion and Call-to-Action:
Remind readers “what this is,” point them to other resources on your website, and include a call-to-action.
第三类内容类型:Best Post.
搜索意图:The user wants to find, use or buy from a recommended list of products, services, or solutions.
Title: Include a number, the word ‘best,’ the target keyword, and other terms such as “for/to buy/near/on/to” and the year.
Introduction: Invite the reader to read suggested products, services, or resources that could help them find, choose or use.
Headings: There are 4 components to writing about each product or service.
- What is this product?
- Features and benefits
- Who uses it
- Pricing and link to the product
Conclusion and Call-to-Action:
Conclude with a recommended item on the list and its benefits along with a call to action.
第四类内容类型:List Post.
搜索意图:The user seeks recommended resources, products, services, and tips
Title: The listicle title should contain a number and include the target keyword.
Introduction: Write an introduction that includes the number of items, the target keyword, and how this list benefits readers.
- List Item 1
- what is it
- how to use it
- supporting resources
Conclusion and Call-to-Action:
Write a conclusion and encourage readers to try a tip, technique, or strategy from your list.
第五类内容类型:Service Page.
搜索意图:The user wants a service that solves their problem.
Title: The page title should include the service name, adjective describing the service or a benefit. Local businesses should include the location they serve in the page title.
Introduction: Introduce how the company can help and encourage readers to learn more about their service.
- Problem – Describe the problem or hurdle faced relating to the service.
- Solution – Outline the benefits of the service and list sub-services.
- Steps/Process – List the process or actions used to deliver the service.
- FAQS – Include frequently asked questions readers have about your service or their problem.
- About/Why us? – Write in a convincing way to help customers choose the company or service.
- Proof – Provide and describe case studies and results using the service and testimonials or quotes from satisfied customers.
Conclusion and Call-to-Action:
Add a persuasive call-to-action link to an inquiry page or telephone number at the end of your service page.
第六类内容类型:Product Review.
搜索意图:The user is familiar with a product, wishes to know more, or is considering purchasing it.
Title: Include the target keyword, review, and question if the product solves a problem or delivers a result.
Introduction: Invite the reader to read your review and determine if this product is right for them or their business.
- Product Summary
- Who the product is for
- The first feature
- The next feature
- Proof – include ratings, reviews, testimonials, or quotes
- Alternatives – list and describe alternative products
Conclusion and Call-to-Action:
A conclusion should include your opinion about the product and a call to action.
第七类内容类型:Comparison Article.
搜索意图:The user wants to see the features and benefits of competing products or services before buying the right one.
Title: Include the 2 products or services you are comparing. e.g., Blue Yeti vs. Rode. Which is the best USB Microphone?
Introduction: The introduction of the comparison article should explain what you are comparing, why and encourage users to read the article.
The reader can learn about one product or service before moving on to the next using this heading structure.
- Product, Service, Company A
- Product, Service, Company B
The product or service features are emphasized in this structure, and the reader gets a direct side-by-side comparison with this heading structure.
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
Conclusion and Call-to-Action:
The conclusion should recommend which product, service, or company is the best choice for a particular task, outcome, or budget: and include a call to action.
第八类内容类型:Alternatives Article.
搜索意图:Users may know about or are dissatisfied with using a product, service, or company and want another similar solution.
Title: Include the number of alternatives and the target keyword in your title.
Introduction: Let readers know you will be explaining details about several alternative products or services related to the target keyword.
- What is the target keyword?
- Alternative 1
Conclusion and Call-to-Action:
Add a conclusion or a recommendation on which product, service, or company is the best option for a particular task, budget, or outcome and include a call to action.